Monday, April 25, 2011

Another book worm

I forgot to add this in the blog last month, but I wanted to remember this moment. Kellan read and finished his first chapter book!

I have learned some good lessons through our journey this school year- and mostly it is that what I think I know about their personalities isn't always right. I was flat out wrong many times. I've underestimated Kellan a lot in his mile stones, and by not expecting as much out of him he takes his own way to show me otherwise!

We didn't work on reading with him during the year before he started kindergarten work. We pulled him out of preschool because of his health struggles, and I let him just dictate his own pace every day at home, reading was not on his agenda at all. When we started with Kindergarten concepts and workbooks, crying became the norm during reading time. If he doesn't just get something easily, he feels really bad for himself. If I push him to try harder, he shuts down entirely. So I didn't push him at all. For Christmas he had gotten some young readers comic books like Disney Cars and Toy Story 3. He loved comic books and started reading all the time! He was breezing through things like Mercer Mayer's Little Critter books, and he learned that reading things all around his world every day was pretty cool.

Then I gave him some books that I had bought when I was pregnant with him. Frog and Toad. They're separated into small chapters, with a lot of pictures in between, and he LOVED them. He was suddenly asking me to lay on his bed and read! I was having to ask him to put his book down! This was coming from the little boy who I thought just didn't love to read, and even thought he probably wouldn't read during kindergarten. He has proven me wrong on every account.

And that's Kellan. When we try to do group activities, he is over stimulated and he can't pay attention. The more pressure on him to be doing something, he shuts down. But when he can be isolated and independent with the tools around him, he will do it, alone, and perfectly. He's an audio learner, so the group time helps him and he remembers everything like a vault, and he figures things out on his own time, in his own way. He's brilliant. I'm so proud of him!

1 comment:

  1. It is all about going at their speed. You are a great mom. :) Have you ever checked out Chocolate on my Cranium? It's an awesome blog of a mother of 8 (and one on the way) that home schools. She found this great website that you can take a quick test on and it tells you how you/your child learns best. It is pretty cool. I can't wait to give it to Jake and start our home schooling journey!
