Friday, August 27, 2010

Not two thumbs up...

Two FINGERS up!!

We're doing the USA for most of our Geography and History through the year, from Galloping the Globe, and also a little from Expedition Earth by Erica @ confessions of a homeschooler. As we're just beginning our lessons, it made the most sense to start the kids learning about where they live, their address, and finding it on a globe and atlas.

So today as we expanded our learning about North Carolina to begin studying the states, the state bird is the Cardinal, and we had a fun little activity to go along with it. The poem is originally about just birds, but we said it like this:

Two little cardinals sitting on a hill
One named Jack, one named Jill.
Fly away Jack, fly away Jill.
Come back Jack, come back Jill.

This Kindergartener was definitely more enthusiastic to do his worksheets with his red birds holding his pencil!

And this little guy was occupied for quite awhile too, checking out his red little fingers. I colored his on the front of his fingers, so that every time he grabbed an object, it would catch his attention more, and he'd sit and just stare every time.

We just used washable crayola markers in red on their fingers, and also black to draw 2 eyes and a triangle for the beak. So simple, and so fun.


  1. Such a fun Mommy-teacher! You are going to be great at this!

  2. :) thank you Julie! Coming from you especially, that is a very flattering compliment. xoxo
